Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Am I doing this right?

With my newfound assertiveness, and a new policy of "Just Say Yes!"  I started in on a new round of networking. I went back up to my alma mater for one of those events where you shake a lot of hands and listen to lectures. I ended up really liking it. The lectures were just so-so, but the basketball game afterward gave me a chance to actually talk to the pros one-on-one. Since they were pretty much on vacation, we kept it casual, but still supportive and interesting. So lesson learned: people don't mind a little friendly It turns out one of them is crazy successful and knows the president of my company. Which makes him the second connection I have to El Presidente. So I emailed the president of the company today, expecting the worst (whatever that could be).

And you know what? He emailed me back. Very nicely. Now I have to respond. Question: how long can a person agonize over a three-line email?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Be Assertive! B-E Assertive! B-E A-S-S..oh you get it.

This may be the hardest lesson of all. Once college knocked the arrogance out of me, I'm afraid I went too far in the other direction. My first instinct in most professional interactions is "Stop wasting their time!" which is an important lesson too (no one wants her time wasted), but it shouldn't stop a person all together. Right? Of course right.

I have a new personal rule: No more self-deprecating thoughts. No more acting like it's a big favor that they're letting me work for them. No more approaching every task with the thought "Don't mess it up!" I have to act like I belong. What is it they say? "Fake it 'til you make it." Kitchy, but it works.

Here's how I think about it: I can't just keep playing  not to lose; at some point I have to start playing to win. Today is that point.

So I did something kinda gutsy. We'll see if it paid off. I'm already regretting it, but what's the worst that could happen?

I'll keep you posted.