Monday, January 24, 2011

Intern Rules

1. Make a schedule. I created a spreadsheet that's always on my desk Across the top it reads: Project, Due, Started, Notes, Complete. I put in the date I started so that I can search by date in my inbox or files weeks later and still get the right documents. If I'm still waiting for something to come in, I make a note. On days when I have a lot to do, I number the projects in progress by priority. Nothing gets a check in the "complete" box until the editor who assigned it has emailed me back saying she's happy with the work.

2. Now or never: as in, do it now or you never will. As soon as an email comes in either write down the request or forward it to the appropriate party. You'll forget. I promise.

3. Have a personality. I'm constantly nagging myself on this one. I always feel like a maid in a really fancy hotel (or Anne Hathaway in The Princess Diaries): I strive to be invisible. I can't imagine editors want to acknowledge me, or worse, waste an extra two minutes (or even 10 seconds) reading a cutesified email. I know the standard goal is to be noticed for your talents and nothing else, but frankly, people like working with people they like. So in casual interactions, toss in some personality. Be interested in your coworkers. If someone looks extra nice one day, say so. Don't suck up, but when you get the chance to be nice or even just be yourself, take it.

More later!

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