Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I think I'm being paid in chocolate...

Two weeks ago the food closet got cleaned out. We sold the unopened products (proceeds go to charity), but the opened ones get tossed. Or fed to interns. Good thing the opened products were chocolate. I also ended up with some unopened bars (bizarre flavors, though. Curry chocolate, anyone?).

Today I got a taste of Dylan's Candy Bar.

Since their product preview event was after work, I got to bring a +1 (David), and we definitely enjoyed the spread. Excess is a way of life for PR people. We ask for one sample; they send us their entire line. Events like these are definitely meant to butter us up (this time with cocoa butter), so I wonder about ethics and how these little perks affect our work.  I still feel awkward taking advantage. But I guess if you keep the magazine's best interests at heart, you're able to draw a line in the sanding sugar. From the professional view, this fun treat seems a little conflicting.

From the kid in a candy store view, though, I like chocolate. Once they had relieved us of our coats, the PR people loaded us up with treats: themed plush toys, a champagne and strawberry dark chocolate bar, a mini paint can to fill with bulk candy upstairs, and a solid chocolate Ken doll (his box says he "satisfies all [your] cravings"--sounds a little sticky to me). Press members had their choice of wines upon entering, but we chose branded water bottles to, ah, cleanse ze palette. After we checked in with the other intern, and ran into one of my old 'Cuse classmates on the PR side of the equation, we table hopped. Each table had a seasonal theme, and a lot of stuff to taste. It took a while for David to get used to just taking samples, but he got there eventually. Me? I'm a natural. They actually had some really fun products for the month we're working on now at the magazine. I even brought one sample back for the boss.

Meanwhile, for the non-kosher-keepers, savory appetizers circulated. David and I broke up the sweetness with a teeny-tiny "hummus sundae" complete with "sprinkles" (chopped celery and red pepper) and a wafer (itty-bitty cracker). A very cute concept.

The life of a magazine intern isn't glamorous. I don't party with celebrities or do yoga with designers. I spend most of my time compiling information and transcribing interviews and fixing paper jams in the copy  room. I probably won't write anything in the next few months. It isn't enlightening, it isn't stylish, and, no, it isn't glamorous. But every now and then, it's kind of sweet.

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